

若手研究者報告会 Workshop of Junior/Visiting Members






【日時】 2014年11月8日(土)10:00-17:30

【場所】 東京大学東洋文化研究所 3階 第一会議室


10:00-10:10 イントロダクション 羽田正

10:10-11:10 Dolf-Alexander Neuhaus (ベルリン自由大学)"Entangled Asia: Korean Students and Japanese Protestantism, 1900 -1920"

11:10-12:10 Lisa Hellman (ストックホルム大学) "Living in the foreign quarters of Canton: The case of the Swedish East India Company in the long 18th century"

12:10-13:10 昼休憩

13:10-14:10 Michael Facius (ベルリン自由大学) "The multiple faces of the 'Early Modern' in 20th century Japan"

14:10-15:10 Natalia Pashkeeva (パリ社会科学高等研究院) "The "Russian Work" of the YMCA between social Christianity and geopolitics, 1900 - 1940. Transfer of models, constitution of knowledge and information gathering"

15:10-15:30 休憩

15:30-16:30 Andrea Tosato Giorgio (パリ社会科学高等研究院) "That Uncertain Feeling: on the relationship between the East India Company and the State in Eighteenth Century Britain"

16:30-17:30 Shim Jaekyom (ベルリン自由大学) "Song for the Masses: Popular Music and Cold War Subjectivity in Postwar Japan and South Korea from a Global Perspective"

Doctoral course students From Berlin Free University and EHESS Paris have just arrived.

Also, HANEDA Masashi, the leader of this project invites several young researchers from all over the world.

In this occasion, we will have a workshop to introduce their own topics and discuss with them from the perspective of Global History.


Venue :November 8th Saturday 2014

First Conference room 304, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo



10:00-10:10 Introduction HANEDA Masashi

10:10-11:10 Dolf-Alexander Neuhaus (Free University, Berlin) "Entangled Asia: Korean Students and Japanese Protestantism, 1900 -1920"

11:10-12:10 Lisa Hellman (Stockholm University) "Living in the foreign quarters of Canton: The case of the Swedish East India Company in the long 18th century"

12:10-13:10 Lunch

13:10-14:10 Michael Facius (Free University, Berlin) "The multiple faces of the 'Early Modern' in 20th century Japan"

14:10-15:10 Natalia Pashkeeva (EHESS, Paris) "The "Russian Work" of the YMCA between social Christianity and geopolitics, 1900 - 1940. Transfer of models, constitution of knowledge and information gathering"

15:10-15:30 Coffee Break

15:30-16:30 Andrea Tosato Giorgio (EHESS, Paris) "That Uncertain Feeling: on the relationship between the East India Company and the State in Eighteenth Century Britain"

16:30-17:30 Shim Jaekyom (Free University, Berlin) "Song for the Masses: Popular Music and Cold War Subjectivity in Postwar Japan and South Korea from a Global Perspective"
