

2015年度海外派遣の公募要項 GHC Scholarship 2015










締切: 2015年1月31日(土)


① 履歴書 本学様式を http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/per01/r01_j.html からダウンロードの上作成のこと。

② 研究業績一覧

③ 研究計画(日本語の場合2000字以内、英語の場合1000ワード以内)。これまでの研究と派遣先での研究計画(派遣先の受け入れ研究者名、希望する派遣期間とその時期を含む)を簡潔にまとめてください。






ghc[at mark] ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

※表記メールアドレスの[at mark]は@に置き換えてください。

GHC Scholarship annoucement

This program aims to train junior researchers and build an international network of researchers who are interested in world/global history. To this end, universities and institutions taking part in the GHC will organize a summer school for graduate students once a year on a rotational basis. The program will send junior researchers, including postdoctoral fellows and graduate students writing doctoral theses, to the other participating universities and institutions so that they can discuss on the international stage  interpretations, understandings, and descriptions of world history and Japanese history. We are accepting applications from junior researchers and graduate students who wish to participate in this GHC Scholarship Program during the 2015 academic year either at Princeton University in the United States, France’s Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales, or either Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin or Freie Universitat Berlin in Germany.



Eligible applicants: Postdoctoral fellows and doctoral students belonging to universities or other research institutions in Japan

The University of Tokyo will ask officials at other participating universities or institutions to refer successful applicants to host professors. Further talks will be held between the successful applicants and these professors.

Those accepted scholarship will be required to attend classes in subjects relevant to their research and present papers on their research topics. Successful applicants are not traveling abroad merely for research. They are also required both to report on what they have learned abroad after they return to Japan and to continue to take an active part in this GHC project.


Funding to be granted: A round-trip air fare and monthly spending money of around 300,000 yen

The number: Several

Period: One to six months


How to apply:

Deadline: Saturday, January 31, 2015

Send the following materials in attached files to the e-mail address below.

  1. Resume. Please download a form from http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/per01/r01_j.html
  2. A list of your research achievements
  3. A research plan: up to 2,000 characters in Japanese or up to 1,000 words in English. Summarize your past research and research plan succinctly. You are also to give the name of the researcher who will host you and state when and for how long you wish to stay at a given university.


*Please use A4-size sheets of paper in preparing your application materials unless specified otherwise. While no letter of recommendation is required, you should get the approval of the professor supervising your work if you wish to apply for this scholarship.


Note: After your application is accepted, you will be contacted by February 5. After your applications have been studied, you will receive an email from us. Finalists will be interviewed in February, after which the successful applicants will be chosen. We will not cover interviewees’ travel expenses.


Method of selection: Applicants’ application materials will be studied and applicants will be interviewed by our screening committee.


Send your application materials to or ask for information from the officer in charge of applications for the GHC Scholarship Program.

Email address: ghc[at mark]ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

*Replace [at mark] with @.
