

2017年度大学院博士課程学生海外派遣 公募 / GHC Scholarship 2017 for Graduate Students

Global History Collaborative東京大学拠点では、世界史/グローバルヒストリーに関心を持つ研究者の国際ネットワークの構築とともに、若手の育成にも力を入れています。その一環である、博士論文執筆中の大学院学生海外派遣を来年度も実施します。





対象者: 日本の大学等研究機関に属する博士課程に所属する大学院学生

募集人員: 若干名


派遣期間: 3ヶ月から6ヶ月。ただし、2017年4月以降に出発すること

支給経費: 所属先大学から派遣先大学までの往復航空賃(実費相当)および滞在費(月額約30万円)





締切:  2016年10月31日(月)

提出書類: メール添付にて以下の書類を末尾メールアドレスまでお送りください。

① 履歴書  本学様式を http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/per01/r01_j.html からダウンロードの上作成のこと。

② 研究業績一覧(刊行された論文・書評など、学会・研究会での発表題目など、修士論文題目)

③ 研究計画(日本語の場合2000字以内、英語の場合1000ワード以内)。これまでの研究と派遣先での研究計画(派遣先の受入研究者名、希望する派遣期間とその時期を含む)を簡潔にまとめてください。











One of the aims of GHC is to train junior researchers interested in world/global history. To this end, a few numbers of scholarship are given to graduate students who wish to spend three to six months during the 2017 academic year at one of the following institutions: Princeton University, Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Freie Universitat Berlin. 


Eligible applicants: Doctoral students belonging to universities or other research institutions in Japan and preparing a doctoral thesis on whatever subject related to global history

Funding to be granted: A round-trip air fare and monthly stipend of around 300,000 yen

GHC Tokyo office will ask its counterpart at other institutions to introduce a successful applicant to his/her host professor. Further talks on the research condition will be held between the successful applicant and his/her host professor.

Those accepted scholarship will be required to attend classes and seminars in subjects relevant to their research and make a presentation on their research topics at their host institution. Just a visit during summer vacation or only for document study is not acceptable. They are also required to continue to take an active part in this GHC project after their return to Japan. 


How to apply:

Send the following materials in attached files to the e-mail address below.

1. CV. Please download a form from


2. A list of your research achievements

3. A research plan: up to 2,000 characters in Japanese or up to 1,000 words in English. Summarize your past research and research plan succinctly. You are also to give the name of the researcher who will host you and state when and for how long you wish to stay at a given university.

*Please use A4-size sheets of paper in preparing your application materials. While no letter of recommendation is required, you should get the approval of the professor supervising your work if you wish to apply for this scholarship. 

Note: You will receive an email notice from us by November 30, 2016. Finalists will be interviewed by the end of December. We will not cover interviewees’ travel expenses. 

Deadline: Monday, October 31, 2016

Send your application materials to or ask for information from the officer in charge of applications for the GHC Scholarship Program.

Email address: ghc@ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
