

第2回東京大学・プリンストン大学ウィンタースクール / Winter Institute on Global History between Princeton and UTokyo

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2018年1月25日、今年度はプリンストン大学にて「第2回東京大学・プリンストン大学ウィンタースクール」が開催された。両大学から博士課程の院生が3名ずつ参加し、プリンストン大学のJeremy Adelman教授が主に司会を務め、東京拠点から参加した羽田正教授(東京大学)、佐野真由子准教授(国際日本文化研究センター)もアドバイザーとして加わった。

Caitlin Harvey
Imperial Drift: "State Experiments" in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States, 1850-1920
Niharika Yadav
Socialism to 'Anti-Congresism': Socialist Ideas and Politics in North and Western India (c. 1930- 1965)
Miles Macallister
The British Empire in the World 1884-1914

上村 剛
A Historical Reconstruction of the Separation of Powers in the British Empire c.1748-1791
麻田 玲
A Balancing Act: Development Without Urbanization
門間 卓也
Negotiating Fascism: Educational Policy as Propaganda for Youth in the Independent State of Croatia

On January 25, 2018, the Second University of Tokyo-Princeton University Winter School was held at the host institute for this academic year, Princeton University. Three doctoral course graduate students from each university participated, with Princeton's Professor Jeremy Adelman acting mainly as moderator joined by Professor Masashi Haneda (The University of Tokyo) from the Tokyo GHC base and Associate Professor Mayuko Sano (International Research Center for Japanese Studies) as advisors.

After a brief oral summary of around five minutes regarding papers distributed in advance by each of the participants, a discussion was held on the contents of the papers and the development of future research.

Vigorous discussions took place concerning each of the six reports due to a distinct mutual relation in analytical methodology among each of the reporters and a common awareness of issues which could arise when taking up specific cases in global history.

During the discussions, in addition to wide-ranging and profound knowledge that exceeded their research fields, the Princeton University graduate students presented numerous perspectives from which to develop arguments. At the same time, the University of Tokyo graduate students exhibited a challenging posture questioning the points in research that demonstrated originality and how to enhance the appeal of research by incorporating the methodology of global history, thus contributing to very stimulating and fruitful discussions. While the area of interest of each of the participants differed, it can be said that an enjoyable interaction took place through thought-provoking debate. The participants look forward with great interest to opportunities to present progress reports on the research when meeting in future GHC events.

The titles of the papers presented by the six participants are as follows.

Princeton University
Caitlin Harvey
Imperial Drift: "State Experiments" in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States, 1850-1920

Niharika Yadav
Socialism to 'Anti-Congresism': Socialist Ideas and Politics in North and Western India (c. 1930- 1965)

Miles Macallister
The British Empire in the World 1884-1914

The University of Tokyo
Tsuyoshi Kamimura
A Historical Reconstruction of the Separation of Powers in the British Empire c.1748-1791

Rei Asada
A Balancing Act: Development Without Urbanization

Takuya Momma
Negotiating Fascism: Educational Policy as Propaganda for Youth in the Independent State of Croatia
