住所: | 〒113-8654 東京都文京区本郷7-3-1 |
There are several schools and institutes related to historical studies at The University of Tokyo, such as the School of Humanities and Sociology, the School of Arts and Sciences, the Historiographical Institute, and the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia. Of these, the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia serves as the Japanese headquarters for the Global History Collaborative (GHC). It is a center for Asian studies where a variety of scholars conduct advanced research within various fields in the humanities and social sciences. Professor HANEDA Masashi, leader of the Japanese team for the GHC, belongs to this institute. Professor Haneda and his colleagues from various schools at The University of Tokyo form Japan’s executive committee for the GHC. They meet regularly, discuss and decide on the action plan for joint research and education with the other three bases for the GHC in America and Europe.
This is not an enterprise that is sustained only by researchers and students at The University of Tokyo. Many distinguished historians from other universities who are interested in the history of the world have joined the project with the same rights as those enjoyed by the historians at The University of Tokyo. Students at other universities can also participate in most of the events that are organized by the Global History Collaborative. With regards to listings, such as for GHC events and job openings, the relevant information is regularly uploaded on this website. We welcome all of you who are willing to take part in our challenge to create an international network for discussions on global history.
住所: | Princeton, NJ 08544, United States |
アメリカ東部Ivy Leagueの名門校。ニューヨークから西南に電車で1時間ほどの郊外に位置する。アメリカでもっともよく使用されている大学生用の世界史テキストWorlds Together Worlds Apartは、この大学の教員が中心になって執筆した。アメリカにおける歴史研究の中心の一つ。
GHCの責任者は、ラテンアメリカ史研究からグローバルヒストリ―に進んだJeremy Adelman教授である。
A renowned Ivy League university on the east coast of the United States, Princeton is situated in the southwestern suburbs of New York, about one hour from the city by train. The team of authors who wrote the world history textbook that is most commonly used by American students, Worlds Together, Worlds Apart, consists mainly of professors from this university, which is one of the most important centers for historical research in the United States. An active exchange of researchers and students is taking place between the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia at The University of Tokyo and the Department of East Asian Studies at Princeton University. A three-way university symposium that includes the National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies at Fudan University in China is held each year.
Professor Jeremy Adelman, who moved to global history from research on Latin American history, is the contact person at this university for the Global History Collaborative.
GHCの責任者は、ロシア史研究と歴史上の隷属に関心を持つAlessandro Stanziani教授である。
A world-famous graduate school for the humanities in Paris. EHESS publishes the world’s leading academic journal in historical science, Annales. The institution’s historians once triggered a boom in social history known as the Annales School. An agreement on researcher and student exchanges has been concluded between the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia and the Institute of Social Science at The University of Tokyo and the École des hautes études en sciences sociales.
Professor Alessandro Stanziani, who specializes in Russian history and the history of “bondage,” is the contact person at this school for the Global History Collaborative.
ベルリンの中心に位置する名門大学。19世紀には、近代歴史学の父と言われるランケがこの大学で教鞭をとった。その意味で、歴史学研究の聖地である。ベルリン自由大学と共同でGlobal History Masterという大学院修士課程のコースを創設し、ドイツにおける世界史研究の中心となっている。東京大学とは全学レベルで学術交流協定を締結している。
GHCの責任者は、アフリカ史研究の専門家であるAndreas Eckert教授である。
This prestigious university is located in the center of Berlin. The 19th century German historian Leopold von Ranke, who is said to be the father of modern historical studies, was a professor at the university. In this sense, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is considered holy ground for historians. The M.A. program “Global History,” established with the Freie Universität Berlin, plays a central role in world history research in Germany. A university-level academic exchange agreement has been concluded between The University of Tokyo and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Professor Andreas Eckert, a specialist in African history, is the contact person at this university for the Global History Collaborative.
歴史学研究も盛んで、ベルリン・フンボルト大学と組んで、Global History Masterを創設した。東京大学の総合文化研究科や社会科学研究所との間での研究交流が盛んである。
GHCの責任者は、日本史研究からグローバルヒストリーに進んだSebastian Conrad教授である。
Established in West Berlin to rival the Humboldt University of Berlin, which was located in East Berlin during the Cold War, the Freie Universität Berlin is well known for its advanced research and enterprising spirit. As a center of excellence for research and education in Germany and the country’s top institution in terms of its scale and quality, the university’s Institute for East Asian studies receives substantial government funding. Vigorous historical research is being carried out at the university, which has established the M.A. program “Global History” with the Humboldt University of Berlin. Lively exchanges on many research subjects are taking place between the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the Institute of Social Science at The University of Tokyo and the Freie Universität Berlin.
Professor Sebastian Conrad, who moved to global history from research on Japanese history, is the contact professor at this university for the Global History Collaborative.