



杉浦先生のプロジェクト(糸・布・衣の循環史研究会)・和光大学総合文化研究所と共催で、Linking Cloth-Clothing Globally: 18-20th Century Mappingシンポジウムを開催します。

18世紀から20世紀にかけてグローバルに進行した糸・布・衣の廉価化を理解することを目的に、 Westernization, Uniformity, Mediationなどのキー概念を手がかりとして 18世紀の低級布や19、20世紀のメイド・イン・ジャパン製品の流通ネットワークについて議論します。

今回はスピーカーにGiorgio Riello氏(英ウォーリック大学)、Michael North氏(独グライフスヴァルト大学)、 Beverly Lemire氏(加アルバータ大学)、Irina Potkina氏(ロシア科学アカデミー)他をお招きしております。

Session I:  Global Circulation of "Cheaper" Cloth-Clothing in the 18th Century Session 

9:45- 10:25 Giorgio Riello, the University of Warwick, UK

        From India to the World: Cotton’s Global Reach in the 18th century

10:25- 11:05 Izumi Takeda, Wako University, Japan

        Positioning the Irish coarse linens in an eighteenth-century global context

11:20-12:00 Anne McCants, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,US

        Textile Meanings in a Global Capital

12:00 -12:45 Miki Sugiura, Hosei University,Japan

        Slave Cloth and Sail Clothing in 18th century Cape Town

Session II: Mapping "the South" and "the North"

14:15-14:55 Renate Pieper, University of Graz, Austria

        Changing dress codes in the Spanish Empire during the 18th century

14:55-15:35 Takeshi Fushimi, Keio University, Japan

         Composition of Textile Products Traded in Late-Colonial Mexico

15:50-16:30 Masachika Shiotani, Tohoku University, Japan

       The cotton “Upland” which connected Russia and America in 19th century

16:30-17:10 Irina Potkina, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

       The Russian Singer Company: Business strategy and partners

17:10-17:50 Takako Morinaga, Ritsumeikan University, Japan

       Russian fur trade and the global market: Focusing on the Kyahkta trade and European exports in the 19th century


Session III : Mediating and Uniforming the Global Circulation

9:30-10:20 Book Discussion "Mediating Netherlandisch Culture" (North / DaCosta Kaufmann eds, 2014)

       Discussants: Michael North, University of Greifswald, Germany

                Junko Aono, University of Kyushu,Japan

10:20-11:00 Beverly Lemire, Alberta University, Canada

       Global Trade and Imperial Agendas: Ready-Made Clothing and British Hegemonic Ambition, c. 1700-1800

11:10-11:50 Nao Tsunoda, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan

       Distributing Fashion from 18th-19th Century Paris: Rise of the Systems of Clothing Industry and Retailing

11:50- 12:30 Emi Goto, the University of Tokyo, Japan

       Europeanization or Globalization? A question of Fashion in Late 19th century-Early 20th century Eastern and Western Asia

14:00-14:40 Hissako Anjo, Otemae University, Japan

       “Ready to Wear” before the Age of the Ready to Wear: the Development of the Methods of Buying a Men's Suit in Early 20th Century Japan

Session IV: "Made in Japan" Products in Global Context

14:40-15:20 Naoko Inoue, Tokyo International University, Japan

       Emergence of Silk Waste Industry in Japan in Global Context from Late 19th Century to Early 20th Century

15:35-16:15 Keiko Suzuki, Ritsumeikan University, Japan

       Kimono Culture in Twentieth-Century Global Circulation

16:15-16:45 Jeremy Prestholdt, University of California, San Diego, US

       Fashion between empires: African consumers, Japanese industry and the limits of colonial power






日時  2015年7月31日(金) 9時30分~18時00分(予定)

     2015年8月1日(土) 9時30分~18時00分(予定)

場所  東京大学東洋文化研究所3階大会議室


なお7月31日19時(予定)より、 東京大学向ケ岡ファカルティハウス レストラン「アブルボア」 (東京都文京区弥生1-1-1東京大学農学部弥生キャンパス内 ) にてレセプションを行います。 どうぞふるってご参加ください。

ウェブサイト http://lccg.tokyo/


お問い合わせ 糸・布・衣の循環史研究会

Linking Cloth-Clothing Globally



