アジア世界史学会大会の開催 Conference of the Asian Association of World Historians
5月29日から31日にかけて、シンガポールの南洋工科大学で、第3回AAWH(Asian Association of World Historians)大会が開催されます。GHCのメンバーも多く参加予定です。東大拠点代表の羽田教授は、“Japanese Perspectives on Global History” という題で基調講演を行います。
The third annual conference of the Asian Association of World Historians will be held at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore from May 29 to 31 of this year. A large number of GHC members are expecting to attend the conference. The University of Tokyo GHC representative, Prof. Haneda, is slated to give the conference keynote address titled “Japanese Perspectives on Global History.”