
佐野 真由子SANO Mayuko

京都大学大学院教育学研究科 / 教授

Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University / Professor

主要著作に、『オールコックの江戸―初代英国公使が見た幕末日本』(中央公論新社、2003)、"La politique culturelle du Japon" (Philippe Poirrier (dir.), Pour une histoire des politiques culturelles dans le monde : 1945-2011, Paris : Comité d'histoire du ministère de la culture, 2011), 『万国博覧会と人間の歴史』(編著、思文閣出版、2015)、『幕末外交儀礼の研究―欧米外交官たちの将軍拝謁』(思文閣出版、2016)など。

SANO Mayuko graduated from The University of Tokyo, and obtained an MPhil in International Relations from the University of Cambridge and a PhD from The University of Tokyo. After working at the Japan Foundation and the UNESCO Headquarters, she served as Associate Professor at the Faculty of Cultural Policies of Shizuoka University of Art and Culture, and the International Research Center for Japanese Studies. She was appointed to the current position in 2018. As a historian of diplomacy focusing on 19th-century Japan, she has been pursuing “cultural history of diplomacy”. She aims to combine her scholarly interest and practical experiences in the field of international cultural policies, and is particularly interested in considering the possibilities of truly global narrative of history.
Her major publications include Alcock's Yedo: Japan of the Last Days of the Ancien Regime Seen by the First British Minister (Tokyo: Chuokoron-shinsha, 2003), “La politique culturelle du Japon” (Philippe Poirrier (dir.), Pour une histoire des politiques culturelles dans le monde : 1945-2011, Paris : Comité d'histoire du ministère de la culture, 2011), Expos and Human History (Edited and written by Sano, Kyoto: Shibunkaku Shuppan, 2015), Diplomatic Ceremonial in the Last Decade of the Tokugawa Regime: Western Diplomats’ Audiences with the Shōgun (Kyoto: Shibunkaku Shuppan, 2016.
