
松井 洋子MATSUI Yoko

東京大学史料編纂所 / 教授

Historiographical Institute, The University of Tokyo / Professor

東京大学史料編纂所 教授 日本近世史 オランダ商館の日記の翻訳に従事、日蘭関係を中心に、「鎖国」と呼ばれてきた近世日本の対外関係の実態を研究してきた。近年は、出島に駐在した商館員たち、通訳者や供給の担い手であったコンプラドール、そして売春婦を含む女性など港町長崎で異文化接触の現場にいた無名の人々に着目している。ミクロの視点、そして膨大な蓄積を持つ「日本史」をいかに世界史に結び付けていくのかが関心事項である。

MATSUI Yoko is Professor at the Section for Overseas Materials of the Historiographical Institute, specializing in the relationships between Japan and foreign countries in the early modern period (Edo/Tokugawa period), the age of so-called “National Seclusion.” She has been studying Japan’s relationship with the Dutch at that time, and she is presently engaged in compiling and translating the diaries kept by the heads of the Dutch factory in Japan. Her recent research focuses on the interpreters, suppliers, prostitutes and other women who had direct contact with the foreigners, such as the Dutch residents in Deshima, in the port city of Nagasaki. Her major interest is the methodology of integrating the “micro-history” and huge reservoir of Japanese History into World History.
