
金 知允KIM Jiyoon

東京大学大学院学際情報学府 / 博士課程学生

Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo / PhD student

「グローバル」の想像や経験、その変容に関心があります。現在は1980年代以降の若者の海外旅行を対象とし、韓国社会におけるグローバリズムの形成について研究しています。韓国ソウル出身。延世大学社会科学部卒。同大コミュニケーション大学院修士課程修了(映像学専攻)。東京大学大学院博士課程 (2010年−2015年、学際情報学専攻)。

Jiyoon Kim is a PhD candidate at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo. She finished her BA in Mass Communication and MA in Visual Communication, both in Yonsei University, Korea. Her research interest lies in the experience of globalization, cosmopolitan imagination and world imaginaries as socially, culturally, and historically constructed and accumulated in certain society. She is currently working on this issue in her PhD dissertation with the case of foreign travel in South Korea since the 1980s, at the same time, trying to find an answer to the question, how to connect a theme in Korean Studies to a broader context, for example that of global history, and expand its theoretical implication and contribution.
