

羽田教授がソウル国立大学で講演 Lecture by Professor Haneda at Seoul National University

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羽田教授は、2015年4月27日(月)、ソウル国立大学の日本研究所で、"Japanese Perspectives on Global History"と題する講演を行った。Park Cheol Hee所長、Jeong Jong Hoソウル大学国際担当副学長をはじめ、多くの研究者や学生が出席し、講演後、友好的な雰囲気の中で活発な質疑応答が行われた。


写真1 挨拶するJeong Jong Ho副学長
写真2 Park Cheol Hee所長と羽田教授


Professor Haneda Masashi gave a talk at the Institute for Japanese Studies, Seoul National University on Monday 27 April 2015. The title of his lecture was "Japanese Perspectives on Global History". Professor Park Cheol Hee, director of the Institute, Professor Jeong Jong Ho, Vice President in charge of international affairs at SNU and many other researchers and students attended the seminar. There were lively discussions after the lecture in a friendly atmosphere.

