第1回サマースクール報告(5日目)The GHC Summer School Report (Day5)
第5日目報告 2015年9月11日(5日目)、北海道大学、セッション7及び8
GHCサマースクールの最終日は、北海道大学の守川知子先生の御支援の下、同大学にて行われた。午前のセッションは「経済と金融(Economy and Finance)」と題し、黒田明伸東京大学教授の司会でプリンストン大学及びEHESSからの3名の博士論文について議論が行われた。テーマは、アメリカ独立戦争における貨幣とその役割、18世紀英国における銀行制度と公的債務の増加、大英帝国の秩序の一部としてのラテンアメリカ諸国の信用度に関する問題であった。密接に関連するテーマが異なる角度と立ち位置から論じられたことでセッションは特に有益なものとなった。
サマースクールの閉会に先立ち、この期間中に得られた知見を改めて振り返ると共に今後再考すべき課題を総括するための時間が設けられた。ここではグローバルヒストリーの方法論に対する検討と同時に、グローバルな視点から歴史研究を行うことの意味についても更に認識を深めていく必要のあることが提起された。特に研究の「グローバル性」を求める姿勢が先行するあまり、かえって研究が特定の視野に偏ってしまうような傾向には注意が必要である。一方、本サマースクールにおいて世界各地から集う参加者が密度の濃い一週間を共に過ごすことを通じて、相互の理解を深められたことは、今後より一層グローバルな視野から歴史研究を進めていく上で大きな収穫であったといえるだろう。(文責 Mandkhai Lkhagvasuren)
Global History Collaborative Summer School 2015
Report – day 5, Session 7 and 8 at Hokkaido University, September 11, 2015.
The last day of GHC Summer School was held on 11th of September 2015 at Hokkaido University thanks to generous help offered by professor Morikawa Tomoko of Hokkaido University. Professor Kuroda Akinobu of University of Tokyo moderated the morning session titled “Economy and Finance” with three presenters from Princeton and Ehess. The presenters’ key issues were the question of money and its role in American revolution, the banking system and the rise of public debt in XVIII century Great Britain as well as the question of credibility in Latin American countries as part of the British imperial orders. The session was a particularly good example of the benefit of having closely related topics discussed from different angle and positionality.
Each presenters were able to draw on different aspects of common theme of the period such as public debt and credibility. However, such approach was possible precisely because the imperial framework of the topic had a wide ranging implications in different countries and approaching it from global history perspective was in some cases, the only effective way of looking at given problems.
The afternoon session titled “Transnational” was moderated by professor Sheldon Garon of Princeton University with two presenters from Princeton University and Free University of Berlin. Transnational movement of people and information between nations and its global interpretation was the topic of discussion. After the Q&A and discussion based on the topic, the key taking point from this session was that it is important not to shy away from dealing with the subject matter from national or transnational perspectives before going further with global perspective. This is to suggest that whether to have global or not global perspectives is dependent on the nature and the aim of the research and rather than other way around. In this regard, whether any subject is global enough should not prevent us from looking at local issues and stories to engage in a meaningful way to the national or transnational narratives.
To conclude the Summer School, general discussions was held to reflect on our findings and lessons learnt as well as to outline future issues to be solved. Among the raised issues were the need for discussing more on the point of why should we do global history before the question of how we do it. Particularly the question of how much is global enough or not enough should be dealt carefully in order not to restrict ourselves within the context. However, the intensity and close proximity of whole week enabled us to get to know each other well and this in turn I am sure would enable us to become a historian of global nature. (Mandkhai Lkhagvasuren)