

『パノラマ世界史』全5巻の中国語版刊行にちなむブックトーク(上海) / Booktalk in Shanghai : the publication of "Panorama World History" in Chinese

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5月12日(土)、上海の復旦大学近くの書店で、復旦大学出版社が主催し、『パノラマ世界史』全5巻の中国語版刊行にちなむブックトークが開催された。100名ほどが入る会場はほぼ満席となり、その4分の1はこの本の読者となるだろう子供たちだった。復旦大学文史研究院の葛兆光教授が、本書を中国語で刊行することの意義について語った後、羽田が本書の新しさと特徴、読者に注意して頂きたいことを述べた。続いて、翻訳者の張厚泉教授(東華大学)が、本書のすぐれた点と翻訳に際して留意した点を説明した。 その後、会場との質疑の時間が取られた。「地球の住民のための世界史」や「横からみる世界史」という考え方についてくわしく説明する度に会場から盛んに拍手がわき、監修者としては大いに勇気づけられた。質疑時間の後半は、ほとんど子供たちとの対話となった。「なぜ中国にはこのような本がないの?」「いつできるの?」「5冊は重いから、1冊にしてほしい」「猫の歴史がなぜ入っているの?」などなど、中には大人をうならせる質問もあり、会場は大いに沸いた。 このトークはオンラインで視聴でき、この夜だけで、7月発売予定の本が500セット予約されたという。出版社によると、イベントは大成功で、売り上げも大いに期待できるとのこと。新しい世界史は、中国で、しかも子供たちの間で大きな反響を呼びそうである。(羽田 正)

On Saturday, May 12, 2018, a booktalk organized by Fudan University Press to commemorate the publication of the Chinese version of the five-volume Panorama Sekaishi “Panorama World History” was held at a bookstore near Fudan University in Shanghai. Nearly all the seats in the 100-seat venue were taken, a quarter of them by children, who are thought to be the potential readers of the series. After comments by Professor Ge Zhaoguang of Fudan University’s National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies on the significance of the publication of the Chinese language edition of the series, Prof. Haneda discussed the originality and special features of the books that he would like readers to take note of. The translator, Prof. Zhang Houquan (Donghua University) then gave an explanation of the outstanding aspects of the books and points he had borne in mind when performing the translation.

We then had a question and answer session with the audience. Each time a detailed explanation of the approach of the series as “world history for the people of the earth” and “world history seen from a horizontal view,” vigorous applause erupted from the audience, which was very encouraging for me as the supervising editor. The second half of the question time was almost completely given over to dialog with the children present. Questions such as “Why aren’t there any books like this in China?” “When will the books be available?” “The five volumes are very heavy, so I would like you to publish it in one volume,” and “Why do the books contain the history of cats?” were asked, some of which caused adults to groan, but which created a very lively atmosphere in the venue.

As the booktalk was broadcast online, it was reported that all 500 sets of the series scheduled to go on sale in July were reserved in just one night. According to the publisher, the event was a great success and brisk sales are to be expected. It is very promising to know that the new world history is likely to arouse great interest in China, and, what is more, among children.

(HANEDA Masashi)
